ADU Town Regulations
Brunswick, ME

Feb 20, 2024
Last Updated
Brunswick, Maine, is a historic coastal town located in Cumberland County with a current population of approximately 22,389 as of 2024. Known for its charming downtown, beautiful waterfront, and rich cultural offerings, Brunswick is home to Bowdoin College and the Bowdoin International Music Festival. The town combines a sense of community with access to nature, with nearby hiking trails, parks, and beaches along with an historic downtown area featuring a variety of shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions, making Brunswick a delightful place to explore and enjoy.
ADU Rules
Accessory Dwelling Unit: A self-contained dwelling unit, featuring living, cooking and bathroom facilities, designed for and occupied by no more than one (1) family and located within, attached to, or detached from a single or two-family dwelling.
Only one (1) accessory dwelling unit is permitted per lot. The accessory dwelling unit shall not be greater than 750 square feet or 35% percent of the floor area of the principal structure, whichever is greater.
An accessory dwelling unit does not require Development Review.
The creation of an accessory dwelling unit shall not be counted for density purposes.
Accessory dwelling units are allowed on lots primarily used as single or two family residential or commercial purposes in either a principal or detached structure.
Where reasonably practicable, the entrance to an accessor dwelling unit shall be located on a different façade than that of the existing/primary dwelling unit.
No permit for an accessory dwelling unit may be issued until the applicant has provided written verification from qualified professionals that the accessory dwelling will have adequate and safe water supply and adequate connection to wastewater services,