ADU Town Regulations
Brewer, ME

May 21, 2024
Last Updated
Brewer, Maine, is a city located in Penobscot County, known for its scenic location along the Penobscot River and its strong community spirit. As of October 2024, the estimated population of Brewer is 9,672 residents. The city is part of the Bangor metropolitan area, providing residents with a blend of small-town charm and easy access to urban amenities. The town's historic downtown area features a variety of shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions, making it a delightful place to explore and enjoy.
Brewer has a rich history and offers a variety of recreational activities, making it an appealing place for both families and individuals seeking a comfortable lifestyle close to nature and city conveniences.
ADU Rules
No accessory dwelling unit shall be occupied unless a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued after final inspection from the Code Enforcement Officer certifying that the ADU meets all applicable Codes and Ordinances of the City of Brewer
One (1) accessory dwelling unit may be constructed only within a legally existing single-family dwelling unit on the lot; attached to an existing single-family dwelling; or as a new accessory dwelling structure on the lot for the primary purpose of creating an accessory dwelling unit. An accessory dwelling unit shall not be constructed or established within an existing accessory structure or building.
The size of the accessory dwelling unit shall be at least 190 square feet in size pursuant to the current minimum adopted standard of the Technical Building Code and Standards Board.
The accessory dwelling unit must be constructed on a permanent foundation and shall not exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet.
An accessory dwelling unit is not subject to any additional motor vehicle parking requirements beyond the parking requirements of the single-family dwelling on the lot where the ADU is located. No parking space to be provided for an accessory dwelling unit shall be located or assumed within the right-of-way of any public street or roadway.
An accessory dwelling unit shall not be rented or leased for less than twenty-eight (28) consecutive days to a person or persons.
Prior to occupancy the owner of an ADU must provide written verification to the Code Enforcement Officer that the ADU is connected to adequate water and wastewater services to include:
Proof of payment for the connection to the off-lot sewer system along with written verification from the Director of Environmental Services certifying that the proposed accessory dwelling unit is within the capacity of the system’s existing collection and treatment system.
Plans for subsurface wastewater disposal prepared by a State of Maine licensed site evaluator prepared in accordance with Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules which must be verified as adequate by the City of Brewer Plumbing Inspector when connected to a septic system.
Proof of payment for the connection to the off-lot water system along with the volume and supply of water required for the ADU, proof of adequate service to support any additional flow created by the ADU, and written verification from the Superintendent of the Water Department that the proposed ADU will not impose an unreasonable burden on the municipal water system and that the municipal water system has the supply and capacity of water required for the accessory dwelling unit when connected to the city water supply.
When connected to a well, proof of access to a potable water supply to include any tests of an existing well or proposed well which must indicate that the water supply is potable and acceptable for domestic use in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Drinking Water Standards and Advisories Table and Maine’s interim drinking water standards for six different perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS),
Accessory dwelling units may be located on the same lot where a single-family dwelling is the principal structure - only one (1) accessory dwelling unit may be located on the same lot where the single-family dwelling is the principal structure, including as a conditional use.
An accessory dwelling unit may be constructed within or attached to an existing single-family structure which does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is located so long as that structure is a legally existing non-conforming principal structure that is a single-family dwelling unit and as long as the ADU does not further increase the nonconformity.
An accessory dwelling unit located in a shore land zone must comply with shore land zoning requirements.
An accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately.
Manufactured homes shall not be used as an accessory dwelling unit.
Recreational vehicles, travel trailers, camping/camper trailers, tents, temporary structures and temporary shelters shall not be used on the premises as an accessory dwelling unit or in conjunction with an accessory dwelling unit.